Re: LiveMap Mods support

full support for mods or plugins for every aspect of the map is far too much work for little use. LiF community is very small and has few modders - there aren't many people who would benefit from that. Sorry.
However, if you want to post more details about your implementation I can try to find a convenient solution for you or even implement it as official feature in a future update.


Re: LiveMap Mods support

On click icon "Find Monument Place Mode" - all exist claims showed in maximum size and Uncompleted monument Red Circle MAX radius.


Code: Select all

*** H:\lifyo.livemap.2.5.0\main.php	2018-04-21 06:31:29.645167300 +0300
--- main.php	2018-05-14 14:07:27.895057700 +0300
*** 469,479 ****
  			$gm_chars   = $server->get_gm_characters();
  			$buildings  = $mygroup->privileges['struct_count'] ? $server->get_structures() : array();
  			// Loop through all guild claims
  			foreach( $claims AS $i => &$claim ) {
  				// Get pixel position of guild claim CENTER
! 				$d = intval($claim['Radius']);
  				$r = intval(ceil($d/2));
  				$coords = Livemap::terpos2pixelpos( $claim['TerID'], $claim['x'], $claim['y'] );
  				$cenX = $coords[0];
--- 469,553 ----
  			$gm_chars   = $server->get_gm_characters();
  			$buildings  = $mygroup->privileges['struct_count'] ? $server->get_structures() : array();
+ //////// STL
+ 			if (!isset($_COOKIE["ClaimBuildMode"]))
+     setcookie("ClaimBuildMode", 0);
+ if($_COOKIE["ClaimBuildMode"]==1){			
+ 			echo "<br><br><br><br>";
+ 			$mons = $server->get_monuments();
+ 			$monsid = 100000;
+ 			foreach( $mons AS $i => &$claim ){
+ 			// Get pixel position of guild claim CENTER
+ 				$monsid = $monsid + 1;
+ 				$claim['GuildID'] = $monsid;
+ 				$d = intval("152");
+ 				$r = intval(ceil($d/2));
+ 				$coords = Livemap::terpos2pixelpos( $claim['TerID'], $claim['x'], $claim['y'] );
+ 				$cenX = $coords[0];
+ 				$cenY = $coords[1];
+ 				$domX = $cenX - $r;
+ 				$domY = $cenY - $r;
+ 				// Escape HTML characters 
+ 				$claim['name'] = htmlspecialchars( "Unknow" );
+ 				// Center the label or place on top?
+ 				$center = center_guild_label($claim['name'], $d);
+ 				// Assign positions and dimensions for claim
+ 				$claim['d']  = $d;
+ 				$claim['r']  = $d/2;
+ 				$claim['centerx'] = $cenX;
+ 				$claim['centery'] = $cenY;
+ 				$claim['cx'] = $domX;
+ 				$claim['cy'] = $domY;
+ 				$claim['class']  = $center ? 'guild-name-center' : 'guild-name-top';
+ 				$claim['lsize']  = $center ? $d - 8 : 250;
+ 				$claim['lx'] 	 = $center ? $domX + 4 : $cenX - ($claim['lsize']/2);
+ 				$claim['ly']	 = $center ? $domY : $domY - 22;
+ 				$claim['height'] = $center ? "height: {$d}px;" : "";
+ 				// Process founding time
+ 				$ftime = strtotime($claim['ctime']);
+ 				switch( $lang ) {
+ 					case 'de':	$claim['founded'] = date('d.m.Y, H:i', $ftime) . "";	break;
+ 					case 'ru':	$claim['founded'] = date('d.m.Y, H:i', $ftime) . " Uhr";	break;
+ 					case 'en':
+ 					case 'cc':	$claim['founded'] = date('Y-m-d, H:i', $ftime);				break;
+ 				}
+ 			}	
+ 				// Push to JS claims array
+ 				$claimsUC_js[] = array(
+ 					'id' => intval($claim['GuildID']),
+ 					'name' => $claim['name'],
+ 					'radius' => $r,
+ 					'center_x' => $cenX,
+ 					'center_y' => $cenY
+ 				);			
+ } else {
+ unset($mons);
+ }	
+ 			//////// END STL
  			// Loop through all guild claims
  			foreach( $claims AS $i => &$claim ) {
  				// Get pixel position of guild claim CENTER
! 				// STL ClaimBuildMode
! 				if($_COOKIE["ClaimBuildMode"]==1){
! 					$d = 152;
! 				} else {
! 					$d = intval($claim['Radius']);
! 				}
! 				//$d = intval($claim['Radius']);
  				$r = intval(ceil($d/2));
  				$coords = Livemap::terpos2pixelpos( $claim['TerID'], $claim['x'], $claim['y'] );
  				$cenX = $coords[0];
*** 599,605 ****
  			$content->assign( 'aclaims', $aclaims );
  			$content->assign( 'json_claims', json_encode($claims_js) );
  			$content->assign( 'json_standings', json_encode($standings) );
  			// Use configured background color on livemap page
  			$bgcolor = $config['color_bg'];
--- 673,686 ----
  			$content->assign( 'aclaims', $aclaims );
  			$content->assign( 'json_claims', json_encode($claims_js) );
  			$content->assign( 'json_standings', json_encode($standings) );
! 			//STL Assign
! 			if($_COOKIE["ClaimBuildMode"]==1){
! 			$content->assign( 'claimsUC', $mons );
! 			$content->assign( 'json_claimsUC', json_encode($claimsUC_js) );
! 			}
! 			//STL END Assign			
  			// Use configured background color on livemap page
  			$bgcolor = $config['color_bg'];
*** 629,634 ****
--- 710,726 ----
  	$html->assign( 'STEAM_AUTH', isSet($_SESSION['SteamAuth']) );
  	$html->assign( 'PRIV_conf', $mygroup->admin );
  	$html->assign( 'SHOW_CONTROLS', ($site === 'main') );
+ 	// STL Assign
+ 	if($_COOKIE["ClaimBuildMode"]==1){
+ 			$html->assign("ClaimBuildMode",TRUE);
+ 			} else {
+ 				$html->assign("ClaimBuildMode",FALSE);
+ 			}
  	// Assign fonts
  	Livemap::load_font( $config['font_claimlabel'] );

Code: Select all

*** H:\lifyo.livemap.2.5.0\css\style.css	2018-04-20 01:18:39.484975500 +0300
--- style.css	2018-05-14 00:47:34.362397700 +0300
*** 420,425 ****
--- 420,442 ----
+ 	/*STL ClaimBuildMode */
+ #claimbuildmode {
+ 	z-index: 91;
+ 	position: fixed;
+ 	Left: 12px;
+ 	top: 64px;
+ 	padding: 4px 8px;
+ 	background-color: #333;
+ 	background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
+ 	color: Red;
+ 	font-size: 0.975em;
+ 	font-family: Calibri, Verdana, monospace;
+ }
  /* Legacy Dialogues */
  .dialogue-wrapper {

Code: Select all

*** H:\lifyo.livemap.2.5.0\html\main.html	2018-04-22 23:04:57.710187900 +0300
--- main.html	2018-05-14 00:45:47.044749600 +0300
*** 93,98 ****
--- 93,102 ----
  				{IF:PRIV_player_layer}<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="Livemap.togglePlayers();"><img id="ctrlbtn-players" class="control-button control-button-inactive" src="img/ni-players.png" title="{text_tplrs}"></a>{ENDIF:PRIV_player_layer}
+ 			<!-- STL START ICONS ON TOP -->
+ 			{IF:HAS_LAYERS}<p>&nbsp;</p>{ENDIF:HAS_LAYERS}
+ 			<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="Livemap.toggleClaimBuildMode();"><img class="control-button" src="img/find-icon.png" title="{text_claimbuildmode}"></a>
+ 			<!-- STL END ICONS ON TOP -->
  			{IF:ENABLE_ALTMAP}<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="Livemap.toggleImage();"><img class="control-button" src="img/altmap-icon.png" title="{text_tmaps}"></a>{ENDIF:ENABLE_ALTMAP}
  			<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="Livemap.toggleGrid();"><img class="control-button" src="img/grid-icon.png" title="{text_tgrid}"></a><p>&nbsp;</p>

Code: Select all

*** H:\lifyo.livemap.2.5.0\html\map.html	2018-04-22 23:05:38.431867300 +0300
--- map.html	2018-05-14 00:46:41.315377900 +0300
*** 8,14 ****
  	{LOOP:pclaims}<div class="personal-claim" id="personal_{ID}" style="width: {width}px; height: {height}px; left: {x}px; top: {y}px;"></div>{ENDLOOP:pclaims}
  	{LOOP:aclaims}<div class="admin-land" id="adminland_{ID}" style="width: {width}px; height: {height}px; left: {x}px; top: {y}px;"></div>{ENDLOOP:aclaims}
  	<div id="credits">
  		LiF:YO Livemap {VERSION} &COPY; Nyuton <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="Master.creditsDialog.dialog('open');">&starf; info</a>
--- 8,23 ----
  	{LOOP:pclaims}<div class="personal-claim" id="personal_{ID}" style="width: {width}px; height: {height}px; left: {x}px; top: {y}px;"></div>{ENDLOOP:pclaims}
  	{LOOP:aclaims}<div class="admin-land" id="adminland_{ID}" style="width: {width}px; height: {height}px; left: {x}px; top: {y}px;"></div>{ENDLOOP:aclaims}
! 	 <!-- STL ClaimUC -->
! 	{IF:ClaimBuildMode}
! 	{LOOP:claimsUC}
! 	<a class="guild-claim guild-claim-tier{GuildTier}" id="guild_{GuildID}"  style="border-radius: {d}px; width: {d}px; height: {d}px; left: {cx}px; top: {cy}px; border:2px solid #FF0000" onmouseover="Livemap.highlightClaim({GuildID});" onmouseleave="Livemap.unhighlightClaims();"></a>
! 	<div class="{class} guild-name-tier{GuildTier}" style="width: {lsize}px; left: {lx}px; top: {ly}px; {height}"><p>{name}</p></div> 
! 	{ENDLOOP:claimsUC}
! 	<div id="claimbuildmode">{text_claimbuildmode}</div>
! 	{ENDIF:ClaimBuildMode}
! 	<!-- STL END ClaimUC -->	
  	<div id="credits">
  		LiF:YO Livemap {VERSION} &COPY; Nyuton <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="Master.creditsDialog.dialog('open');">&starf; info</a>

Code: Select all

*** H:\lifyo.livemap.2.5.0\includes\gameserver.class.php	2018-04-20 01:07:54.006615900 +0300
--- gameserver.class.php	2018-05-14 14:09:09.498536200 +0300
*** 68,73 ****
--- 68,146 ----
+ 		//////////////////////////////////////////// STL
+ 		public function get_monuments() {
+ 		if( ! $this->db ) $this->db_connect();
+ 		$monuments = $this->db->query( "SELECT mon.*, ( mon.GeoDataID >> 18 ) AS TerID, ( mon.GeoDataID & ((1 << 9) - 1) ) AS `x`, ( (mon.GeoDataID >> 9) & ((1 << (9)) - 1) ) AS `y`, mon.DroppedTime AS ctime
+ 									 FROM unmovable_objects AS mon WHERE (ObjectTypeID=152 AND IsComplete=0)" );
+ 		return $monuments;
+ 	} 

+ 	/////////////////////////////////////////// END STL
  	// Get all guild claims from database
  	public function get_claims() {

Code: Select all

*** H:\lifyo.livemap.2.5.0\js\livemap.js	2018-04-23 20:55:03.091139000 +0300
--- livemap.js	2018-05-14 00:42:16.978992900 +0300
*** 278,284 ****
  		for( var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) ctx.fillRect( data[i][0] * this.zoomScale, data[i][1] * this.zoomScale, Math.round(1*this.zoomScale), Math.round(1*this.zoomScale) );
  	this.toggleGrid = function() {
  		// Adjust canvas size
--- 278,290 ----
  		for( var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) ctx.fillRect( data[i][0] * this.zoomScale, data[i][1] * this.zoomScale, Math.round(1*this.zoomScale), Math.round(1*this.zoomScale) );
! 	// Toggle Claim Build Mode (STL)
! 	this.toggleClaimBuildMode = function (){
! 		if( getCookie('ClaimBuildMode')		 === '0' ) setCookie('ClaimBuildMode', '1', 30);
! 		else setCookie('ClaimBuildMode', '0', 30);
! 		location.reload();
! 	};	
! 	// End STL
  	this.toggleGrid = function() {
  		// Adjust canvas size
Picture find-ico.png in /img folder.
In locales for RU $text array add 'claimbuildmode' => 'Режим поиска места для монумента',

for EN 'claimbuildmode' => 'Find monument place mode',

Re: LiveMap Mods support

Livemap 2.6 released today has this new claim planner feature. See a working example here: - the icon next to the grid icon.

I don't display unfinished monuments though. I think this information should not be exposed. People building up a new monument have no protection and for sure don't want us to draw a target on their backs :D However, I might put an option for it in the next update that can be toggled on/off by the admin.