Re: Cannot add server

That is the port i use to access the database via Heidi

Edit: any other port
"Couldn't connect to MariaDB Database 'lif_1' on (33830)"

with port 33832
"Access denied on database login. Wrong credentials or missing privileges on database."

added this to config_local.cs

Code: Select all

// Serverkonsole
// @param port^^  Port to listen on for console connections (0 will shut down listening).
// @param consolePass Password for read/write access to console.
// @param listenPass  Password for read access to console.
// @param writerPass  Password for write-only access to console.
// @param remoteEcho  [optional] Enable echoing back to the client, off by default.

$telnet::bindAddress = $cm_config::localIpAddress;
telnetSetParameters(33838, "pass","LISTENPASSWORD",true);

Re: Cannot add server

Most likely, access to the Mysql is configured only for the user from your working computer-ip, so the Mysql blocks remote connections from other IP addresses.
And really there should be another bd port, not a rcon-server port.
A practitioner will always shoot a theorist ...
P.S. Russia, Siberia