TradePost Page = Blank


A friend of mine has an issue On the Client side of Tradepost, sometimes (not always) he gets a blank page (no error written) he then reboots his pc and it works, could it be because he puts his pc in sleep mode during the night? (doubt that but still could be since Microsoft)

Also on the same server, Tradepost gets disabled after a scheduled restart (I think), it needs to be activated manually again is this config related?

If you need like Log's or something just say the word and I'll fetch em (could take a while tho since gm is on vaca) ;-)

Thanks in advance,

Re: TradePost Page = Blank

fr3aky wrote: 07 Aug 2019, 13:57A friend of mine has an issue On the Client side of Tradepost, sometimes (not always) he gets a blank page (no error written) he then reboots his pc and it works, could it be because he puts his pc in sleep mode during the night? (doubt that but still could be since Microsoft)
I don't know. It sounds like some local problem. Is this limited to one person only and everyone else on that server has no issue?

I can take a look at the webserver logs for errors but will need the FeudalTools ServerID.