Geo_Patch change?

When I`m changing the 'Geo_Patch' -> 'Substance' it should change in the game, the type of soil. But there was no change. I assume it's the cache. Is there any way to change the soil type to `TerID` so would it appear in the game?
Thank You.

Re: Geo_Patch change?

yes it is cached. Cache files are in /data/terrains/cached/... folder.

With the original map, you can just delete them.
With a custom map, you can delete them but you'll have to go through the whole map setup procedure again before anyone can join the server.

Re: Geo_Patch change?

Thank you, it work.
I done 1 biome and it works, but when i tryed to do same with second biome, i can`t enter the world, showed me CRC error.
I need to do somethings with nm1.nmesh as well or start stretchedPatchMaintenance(); ?
Thank You.