Tradeposts currency options

Please make selectable options to enable coins for guild tradeposts - it is good players interactions.

Good idea to make get minimum and maximum price from table in server database, also for different items quality.
id obj_id minQ maxQ minPrice maxPrice

guilds put orders in tradepost for items (if exists in price_table) only in stored price range.
If item not exist in prices_table -> set any price
if item exist with Q 50-60 and min 100c max 200c, but item Q=80 then minprice is 200c... if item Q=40 then maxprice is 100c

I think - good economy regulation on game servers.

Re: Tradeposts currency options

I see what you are proposing but whats the point of dictating prices for items?
If the real value of an item on a server is out of your defined range, players will just refuse to use the trading post for that item and barter their way around.

If a guild wants to buy an item for 100c and that price is too low, nobody will sell to them. If it's too high, they will get their stuff quick cause everyone wants to sell to them. That's how an economy works :P

Re: Tradeposts currency options

Not absolutely so..
Price of item not be below cost of base materials +-15-20%.
The price range allows to set adequate limits for items price.
That there were no situations when five component food cost cheaper than materials to make it(((

Price ranges is tool for normalize prices.

Main request - options to enable coins for guild outposts.

Good idea for it - GM enable coins instead of units for selected tradeposts.
And very good - Tradeposts on Adminlands with guild rights for use it - make set price in coins. Big server marketplace!
On guild claims - set prices for units.