Ghost Tradeposts?

I'm not sure what to make of these two different issues on the same server.

At the Pink Arrow, we have what appears to be a claim's trade post offerings, only that claim doesn't actually have a trade post on it. I tried building one on their claim, and deleting it, to see if the database would update or something, but nothing happened.

At the Green Arrows, we have trade post offerings, only there's no claim listing, and I can't actually find trade posts offering that stuff on the map. (EDIT: By which I mean, I have gone to the existing trade posts and searched their offerings for these items, and found no matches)

Any suggestions on how to deal with what I am calling "Ghost Posts"? I thought "maybe erase the tradepost database and create a new one" but I have no idea how to go about doing that.

Re: Ghost Tradeposts?

i got the same problem on my server.
i can imagine how it came.

I decided with my team to wipe the whole map...
i didn't use refresh. I just deployed same map "grimrock" on my server.
the old Server-market-items buy/sell are still in tradepost, also the items from the old Claim-trade-post.
if wanted i could send screenshots from ingame-tradepost.
Have a nice day. :-)
// FeudalTools Server-ID
$FTTP::ServerID = 3207;
// Customization
$FTTP::TradeMessageText = "Strg + T um zu Handeln";
$FTTP::TradeMessageTime = 9999;
$FTTP::Keybind = "ctrl t";
// Text for missing client mod
$FTTP::ModMissingCenterText = "Tradepost client-mod missing. prüfe deinen system chat.";
$FTTP::ModMissingSystemText = "Dieser Server nutzt den Tradepost Mod. Um am Handelsposten zu handeln, musst den client mod installieren. Den Download gibt es hier for free.";