Issue: Receiving multiple MOTD messages.

Hello Nyuton,

For some reason, the server receives sometimes multiple random 'message of the day' messages within a few seconds of each other.
This does not happen right after logging in, but randomly while playing.
See the picture below for an example. I'm not sure why this happens, and if it's related to my server or a general issue.

Re: Issue: Receiving multiple MOTD messages.

Hello Chris,

For some reason, I'm unable to upload a log or text file here. I receive the error:
Invalid file extension: logs.txt
So here a google drive link to the logs: ... sp=sharing

Time stamps of an example:
ECHO 2020-10-23 14:42:09.885 {04} <TTmod_SendMOTD> [11169226] TTmod | Sending MOTD to character 413
ECHO 2020-10-23 14:42:01.885 {04} <TTmod_SendMOTD> [11165666] TTmod | Sending MOTD to character 413
ECHO 2020-10-23 14:41:53.886 {04} <TTmod_SendMOTD> [11162080] TTmod | Sending MOTD to character 413
ECHO 2020-10-23 14:41:45.884 {04} <TTmod_SendMOTD> [11158540] TTmod | Sending MOTD to character 413
ECHO 2020-10-23 14:41:37.885 {04} <TTmod_SendMOTD> [11155006] TTmod | Sending MOTD to character 413

Note; This happens to multiple players, this does also not happen every day but once in a while for multiple players.