After uploading new Map, the Server is Mixed in two different Maps.


I got a Question becouse of uploading a new Map with Feudal.Tools.

I often loeaded a new Map to my Servers. I never have seen porlblems like this before with Feudal.Tools.

I was uploading the Map and then i was following the instructions.

Then all was done.

I connected to the Server.

But there was the Basicmap mixed with the Map i choosed on Feudal Tool , Commuinty Created Maps.

Then i saw a post with the same Problems.

And i saw the Link to :

FAQ & Troubleshooting:

"After map deployment, the map is partially messed up with mountains where they're not supposed to be and/or rivers filled in.
This happens if you haven't replaced the terrain files in your server directory and the server uses the original files. Download the custom map terrain replacer files from the downloads page and unpack it into your server directory. You will in most cases have to restart the map deployment from scratch to resolve this. "

I tried this now a few Times.

And i reloded the Map a few Times.

Nothing happened.

Is there any other way to fix this, i cant find in the Internet?