Database Connection Failed

Receiving 'Couldn't connect to MariaDB Database 'lif_xx' on (xxxx)' error on Feudal Tools page after what appears to have been some sort of outage on the east coast US. Hosted server went down. Steam went down type of thing. After the server came back up I tried to go to my LiveMap page and received this message ' is currently unable to handle this request.' I am able to connect to DB using Heidi. Any thoughts?

Re: Database Connection Failed

Still wondering if anyone has seen this before. A little more information that I should have posted yesterday. So everything has been fine for months. Something happened yesterday, I might have read that there was a DDoS on a major DNS provider but I'm not sure. Anyway, Steam was offline for about 15 minutes for a ton of people. I had no connection to the Host provider FTP, DB, Portal...nothing. After a while everything just came back up. Server never rebooted just couldn't connect. Since then I get 'Couldn't connect to DB' error on Feudal Tools and LiveMap is just dead. I'm not sure if the host is blocking something now or if Feudal Tools needs to be reset. I am able to connect to the DB using Heidi with the same credentials. Any thoughts...

Re: Database Connection Failed

Your database host is refusing connections from server. That's something that you can only fix yourself.

Code: Select all

[Fri Mar 08 18:03:55 2019] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  mysqli::mysqli(): (HY000/1129): Host '' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' in /var/www/terratool_livemaps/includes/mysql.class.php on line 50, referer: