Terrain Editor not reading tile heights accurately

Stop server, start editing. But today I have been having trouble with the terrain editor not reading the correct heights of some tiles in the map. From what I can tell it's very high tiles compared to the surrounding tiles that have the problem (5+ higher) but the editor says they are much lower than they really are. These are tiles I have never touched. I can dig a dirt from a problem tile and the correct height gets recognized again, but that can be a lot of tiles - and now i'm working with rock so I can't do that. Any edits are still done correctly. No problem connecting, ping is fine, no bandwidth limits. I did have one instance roughly 4 hours ago when the terrain editor page wouldn't load for about 3 minutes though - didn't find anything downloading on my end and tested other sites, had no trouble.

I've also noticed that on other servers livemap will show terrain changes that have been done, you can see where areas have been terraformed and guess where settlements or roads are at. Mine has never done that and I added it to the list of 1001 things to fix later on, I assumed it was some addon or tweak to livemaps.

Not sure how to fix this or what steps to take next. Knowing this lovely game, i'm guessing corrupted something or other.

The editor says these high tiles on either side of the 40 height area are 32.3-40.7, when they actually go into the 50s.
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ ... DB6218582/