Map Refresh Buffer Zone

I am doing a map refresh on my server again but I am a little confused with the buffer zone?
Last refresh I did all my roads were cut in half and a lost all the fences and lampposts on the one side?

Which of the tree buffer zones do I need to allow for on the edges of the roads?
Terrain Buffer, Objects Buffer, Buildings Buffer and how much would a safe buffer be?

Thank you

Re: Map Refresh Buffer Zone

the terrain buffer saves all paving and terraforming
the objects buffer saves things like chests, barrels, carts, etc.
the buildings buffer saves things like warehouses, walls, anything thats built

Id recommend putting the buffer for all of them at around 4-6 depending on how much you want to save from your roads and such

you may also want to take a look at admin claims to save your road

There are two commands for admin land. One to create, one to delete.

In order to create one, use this command in the console:

/adminland create geoId1 geoId2
Where geoId1 and geoId2 are two corners of the claim.

To learn the geoId, you need to use this command in the console:

$TerrainSelection::debug_drawCellInfo = 1;
You can create an infinite number of admin claims. And in order to remove a particular claim, you must stand on it and use this command in the console:

/adminland delete
so basically everything that needs to stay will stay
Henri / CaptZimecki
Server Owner | Seraphim Isles