Refresh issues

So i've done the refresh and the server has taken nearly an hour to get to this point

WARN 2019-01-04 11:34:27.298 {02} <createWorld> [0] DB::RS(0 ms) select case when exists(select * from items i join movable_objects mo on mo.RootContainerID=i.ContainerID where mo.ID=93106) then 1 else 0 end as haveItems;
WARN 2019-01-04 11:34:27.361 {02} <createWorld> [0] DB::RS(1 ms) select ID, ObjectTypeID from `movable_objects` where CarrierMovableID = 93769;
WARN 2019-01-04 11:34:27.417 {02} <createWorld> [0] DB::RS(0 ms) select case when exists(select * from items i join movable_objects mo on mo.RootContainerID=i.ContainerID where mo.ID=97027) then 1 else 0 end as haveItems;
WARN 2019-01-04 11:34:27.419 {02} <createWorld> [0] DB::RS(1 ms) select case when exists(select * from items i join movable_objects mo on mo.RootContainerID=i.ContainerID where mo.ID=97030) then 1 else 0 end as haveItems;
WARN 2019-01-04 11:34:27.492 {02} <createWorld> [0] DB::RS(3 ms) SELECT m.ID, m.CarrierCharacterID, m.ObjectTypeID, c.GeoID, c.GeoAlt FROM movable_objects m JOIN `character` c ON c.ID=m.CarrierCharacterID AND c.GeoID>=117964800 AND c.GeoID<118226944;
ECHO 2019-01-04 11:34:27.493 {02} <createWorld> [0] _attachTerrain: 450, server
ECHO 2019-01-04 11:34:27.494 {02} <createWorld> [0] nav mesh loading: data/navMeshes/nm1.nmesh
INFO 2019-01-04 11:34:27.529 {02} <createWorld> [0] nav mesh loaded in 0.035 sec from: data/navMeshes/nm1.nmesh
ECHO 2019-01-04 11:34:27.529 {02} <createWorld> [0] applying 683664 geo changes of ter#442 to navMesh#1650

Now itll sometimes progress but itll take a few minutes to get going, i havent got past applying changes to ter#443 yet

Is this normal?
Henri / CaptZimecki
Server Owner | Seraphim Isles

Re: Refresh issues

Also the server will stop running when it gets to that point as well after hanging for a few minutes

Just did it again

ECHO 2019-01-04 11:41:04.235 {02} <createWorld> [0] applying 9584 obj changes of ter#442 to navMesh#1650

ECHO 2019-01-04 11:41:07.958 {02} <createWorld> [0] applying 3209 forest changes of ter#442 to navMesh#1650

ECHO 2019-01-04 11:41:09.814 {02} <createWorld> [0] applying 636265 geo changes of ter#443 to navMesh#1650

ECHO 2019-01-04 11:41:58.048 {} <> [0] --------- Loading DIRS ---------

INFO 2019-01-04 11:41:58.048 {} <> [0] vyo_1.4.4.5

ECHO 2019-01-04 11:41:58.049 {} <> [0]

ECHO 2019-01-04 11:41:58.110 {01} <onStart> [0]
--------- Initializing Directory: scripts ---------

after this the server will just stop from what ive got so far
Henri / CaptZimecki
Server Owner | Seraphim Isles

Re: Refresh issues

yes but is it normal for the server to go to PID of 0 (in essence full shutdown) when it reaches this point? i have since done a restore and im now just trying to gather info for my next attempt.
Henri / CaptZimecki
Server Owner | Seraphim Isles

Re: Refresh issues

Figured out what it was for people also having this issue

In essence, the server provider was throttling the CPU when it started to load all the geo_patch changes to the navmesh, the only way to get around this is to purchase high CPU priority or have your providers do it for you.
Henri / CaptZimecki
Server Owner | Seraphim Isles

Re: Refresh issues

Yeah it was PingPerfect, granted at the time i didnt know the person i was developing for didnt have high CPU priority / extra RAM. So make sure if you do use them to get the high CPU priority and extra RAM usage for the custom maps.
Henri / CaptZimecki
Server Owner | Seraphim Isles

Re: Refresh issues

Found out some more info, make sure you use 6gb+ of RAM, thats what it took to get a full DB restore and eventually a full map refresh, i'd be on the cautious side and get more than 6 but right now 6 seems to be working.
Henri / CaptZimecki
Server Owner | Seraphim Isles