The server has rejected the action.

Dear Developers!
We were never used the live map before, and dont knewd how it works in the first place.
If i assume right, if you send an alliance invite, and someone accept it, you wil became thier overlord.

The thing is, we were sent an alliance request to a clan. They accepted it, we were becamed thier overlord. Then they send an alliance request to a 3rd clan, and they became thier (the 3rd) overlord, but the relation between us and the first clan, will changed back to neutral.
Then all the 3 clan changed its standings to neutral, and we got an alliance request and we accepted it. (because we dont know that the alliance not a both way stuff) And now the server deny anything we try. All standings modification attempt ended with this error: (both for us and the clan who curently are our overlord)
The server has rejected the action. ... nknown.png
What can we do know? Contact the server owners?

Re: The server has rejected the action.

Dear Nyuton!

Our server owner, seems do not know, how to reset standings.
It is something to do in the configuration files? Or it can be done in the guild managment section.

How the system works? The live map, recognizes the user steam ID and consider it an admin? Gm rights works?
Can you show me in pictures, how can a server owner reset any standing? (i assume my server owner never did that, maybe i could forward her this post)
Thank you!

Re: The server has rejected the action.

There's no general answer to that.
It can't be done with any "tools" available. Your admin will have to do the edits directly the database. You can start off by changing the GuildTypeID of the broken guild back to 3 (= Country) in the `guilds` database table. If that doesn't work you guys will have to dig a little bit deeper and clear the `guild_standings` table from all records that set an alliance standing for the broken guild. Note that the server must be offline when doing database edits on guilds.