
Search found 29 matches

Re: Help with map design

Generally, doing the map design with what I'm presuming is going to be photoshop will always lead to issues with the weird mountains and stuff, id recommend getting an actual terrain editor and making the map that way, or at least importing the heightmap into it and editing it there. a good, free pr...

Re: Map Refresh Buffer Zone

the terrain buffer saves all paving and terraforming the objects buffer saves things like chests, barrels, carts, etc. the buildings buffer saves things like warehouses, walls, anything thats built Id recommend putting the buffer for all of them at around 4-6 depending on how much you want to save f...

Re: Refresh issues

Found out some more info, make sure you use 6gb+ of RAM, thats what it took to get a full DB restore and eventually a full map refresh, i'd be on the cautious side and get more than 6 but right now 6 seems to be working.

Re: Refresh issues

Yeah it was PingPerfect, granted at the time i didnt know the person i was developing for didnt have high CPU priority / extra RAM. So make sure if you do use them to get the high CPU priority and extra RAM usage for the custom maps.

Re: Refresh issues

Figured out what it was for people also having this issue

In essence, the server provider was throttling the CPU when it started to load all the geo_patch changes to the navmesh, the only way to get around this is to purchase high CPU priority or have your providers do it for you.

Re: Refresh issues

yes but is it normal for the server to go to PID of 0 (in essence full shutdown) when it reaches this point? i have since done a restore and im now just trying to gather info for my next attempt.

Re: Refresh issues

Also the server will stop running when it gets to that point as well after hanging for a few minutes Just did it again ECHO 2019-01-04 11:41:04.235 {02} <createWorld> [0] applying 9584 obj changes of ter#442 to navMesh#1650 ECHO 2019-01-04 11:41:07.958 {02} <createWorld> [0] applying 3209 forest cha...

Refresh issues

So i've done the refresh and the server has taken nearly an hour to get to this point WARN 2019-01-04 11:34:27.298 {02} <createWorld> [0] DB::RS(0 ms) select case when exists(select * from items i join movable_objects mo on mo.RootContainerID=i.ContainerID where mo.ID=93106) then 1 else 0 end as hav...

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